Thursday, June 13, 2019

5 basic essentials to live the best life possible

5 basic essentials to live the best life possible: 
1. Toxicity affects hormones balance and gland function
2. Proper spinal alignment has a marked effect of how well the Central Nervous System runs your body.
3. Proper nutrition is essential to good health.
4. Motion. Life is motion. Sedentary lifestyle has damaging effects to function. strength and mental health.
5. Get adequate sleep and reduce stress levels.

Lipitor ad by Pfizer: 

"That means in a large clinical study, 3% of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo had a heart attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor." Now do some simple math. The numbers in that sentence mean that for every 100 people in the trial study, which lasted three years, three people on placebos and two people on Lipitor had heart attacks. The difference credited tot he drug? There was one fewer heart attack per 100 people. 99 people had to take Lipitor for three years without measurable benefit. If people with no prior heart disease were told that only 1 in 100 is likely to benefit from taking statin drugs for years, most people would probably choose to opt out.

Do you know that one of the common causes of neuropathy (peripheral neuropathy) in people is the use of Lipitor? You should search out other options or at least another drug. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Peripheral Neuropathy Caused By Statins

Symptoms of peripheral nerve damage (neuropathy) include: weakness in arms/hands or legs/ feet, facial weakness, difficulty walking, difficulty using arms/hands or legs/feet, sensation changes in arms/hands or legs/feet including pain, tingling and numbness. Other symptoms:  swallowing difficulty, speech impairment, loss of feeling/function of muscles, muscle constructions or atrophy, uncoordinated movements, joint pain, hoarseness, fatigue, facial paralysis, bladder and bowel dysfunction and breathing difficulties

- From the National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine Medline and Medical Encyclopedia.

statins include: Pravachol (pravastatin), Mevacor (lovastatin), Zocor (simvastatin), Lescol (fluvastatin), Lipitor (atorvastatin), Baycol (cerivastatin), Crestor (rosuvastatin) and Advicor (lovastatin + niacin).

En Espanol:

Título: Neuropatía periférica causada por estatinas

Síntomas del daño nervioso periférico (neuropatía): debilidad en brazos / manos o piernas / pies, debilidad facial, dificultad para caminar, dificultad para usar brazos / manos o piernas / pies, cambios de sensibilidad en brazos / manos o piernas / pies incluyendo dolor, hormigueo Y entumecimiento. Otros síntomas: dificultad para deglutir, alteración del habla, pérdida del sentimiento / función de los músculos, construcciones musculares o atrofia, movimientos no coordinados, dolor en las articulaciones, ronquera, fatiga, parálisis facial, disfunción vesical e intestinal y dificultades respiratorias

- De los Institutos Nacionales de Salud, Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina Medline y Enciclopedia Médica.

Las estatinas incluyen: Pravachol (pravastatina), Mevacor (lovastatina), Zocor (simvastatina), Lescol (fluvastatina), Lipitor (atorvastatina), Baycol (cerivastatina), Crestor (rosuvastatina) y Advicor (lovastatina + niacina).

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Statin Drugs, Their Side Effects, and Improvement


A 2008 research paper cites nearly 900 studies on the adverse side effects of statin drugs, used to treat cholesterol. Muscle problems are the best known of statin drugs’ side effects, but cognitive (thinking and reasoning) problems and pain and numbness in the extremities (peripheral neuropathy)are also widely reported.

The Rebuilder strument, which we use in our office, and chiropractic care helps nerves in improving this condition.

Sources: American Journal Of Cardiovascular
                              Drugs 2008; 8(6): 373-418

En Espanol:

Un documento de investigación de 2008 cita cerca de 900 estudios sobre los efectos secundarios adversos de los medicamentos estatina, utilizados para tratar el colesterol. Los problemas musculares son los más conocidos de los efectos secundarios de las drogas estatinas, pero los problemas cognitivos (pensamiento y razonamiento) y dolor y entumecimiento en las extremidades (neuropatía periférica) también son ampliamente reportados.

El strument Rebuilder, que utilizamos en nuestra oficina, y la atención quiropráctica ayuda a los nervios en la mejora de esta condición.

Fuentes: American Journal Of Cardiovascular

Medicamentos 2008; 8 (6): 373 - 418